Please get in touch with us. Regardless of whether you have a specific request or if you just want more information about the agency first. We're delighted.
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Our entire team combines many years of experience, in-depth expert knowledge and creativity at the highest level.
Brigitte Nußbaum
What do I do at trendhouse?
als Gründerin und Teamplayerin in der Geschäftsführung Events leben – von A bis Z, immer mit 100 % Lust und Leidenschaft.
I've been with trendhouse since:
die Idee davon vor 30 Jahren in meinem Kopf Gestalt angenommen hat
I am a specialist for:
WOW!-Feelings mit Gänsehaut
The coolest thing about my job:
sind unsere Kunden und mein fantastisches Team
I'm known internally for this:
No limits beim Begeistern und sich begeistern lassen
Brigitte Nußbaum
Martin Danner
What do I do at trendhouse?
I've been with trendhouse since:
I am a specialist for:
Beratung auf C-Level, Konzeption, Dramaturgie, Regie
The coolest thing about my job:
andere Länder, dort mit internationalen Teams zusammen arbeiten, so einander und die unterschiedlichen Kulturen kennenlernen.
I'm known internally for this:
immer eine Idee, auch unter Hochspannung immer entspannt und nie um eine Lösung verlegen
Martin Danner
Hanna Thümmel
Senior Project Manager
What do I do at trendhouse?
Senior Project Manager for Operational Preparation, Planning and Implementation of Events and Head of Production
I've been with trendhouse since:
Octubre 2020
I am a specialist for:
detailed and structured planning:)
The coolest thing about my job:
Turned My Passion into a Job
I'm known internally for this:
Always out and about (summer and winter) with a scarf 😃
Hanna Thümmel
Senior Project Manager
Kathrin Vinko
Creative Director
Senior Projektleiterin
What do I do at trendhouse?
Leitung der Konzeption und Kreation, Entwicklung von Bühnen- und Eventdesigns, Gestaltung von Motion Designs, Planung und Umsetzung von Kundenprojekten
I've been with trendhouse since:
Seit 2011 als freie Mitarbeiterin und fest seit 2021
I am a specialist for:
Emotionen, Motion Design, verrückte Ideen und komplexe Projekte
The coolest thing about my job:
Zu erleben, wie großartige Ideen Realität werden und am Ende einer Veranstaltung in manchmal staunende, aber vor allem glückliche Gesichter zu blicken. Aber noch wichtiger sind die Erlebnisse mit dem Team, die Atmosphäre bei Produktionen, wie man zusammenwächst und gemeinsam unglaublich viel lacht.
I'm known internally for this:
Dass mich unglaublich viel kreative Energie antreibt und für meine Dance Moves, die ich nur zu ganz speziellen Anlässen zeige
Kathrin Vinko
Creative Director
Senior Projektleiterin
Etienne Neehus
senior project manager
What do I do at trendhouse?
As a senior project manager, I am responsible for everything, from conception, creation, calculation, preparation and implementation on site, everything goes through my desk. I am also a key account manager for certain customers.
I've been with trendhouse since:
I've been back at trendhouse since October 2021. But I've been here before. Back then, I was the first permanent employee at trendhouse from 1996 to 2000, i.e. a repeat offender
I am a specialist for:
Implementation, cost juggler, supplier network, locations, artists and a man for difficult cases
The coolest thing about my job:
The variety and that you can let your creativity run wild.
I'm known internally for this:
Nothing disturbs me. Implement spontaneous and short-term ideas and changes in a timely manner.
Etienne Neehus
senior project manager
Ann-Sophie Mader
Junior project manager
What do I do at trendhouse?
Events from inquiry processing to implementation and project completion. Internally, I am responsible for catering for the team at lunch on Wednesdays. 😉
I've been with trendhouse since:
I did my university internship at trendhouse in 2022 and have been here permanently since April 2023.
I am a specialist for:
Gather the last strength and pull it off, even if the organization office still has to be cleaned up at 4 o'clock in the morning. On a project-related basis, it is the area of participant handling.
The coolest thing about my job:
: To see the show opener at a big ceremony in Lisbon, for which I had researched image and video material months earlier. When all the individual parts came together and the show was on, it was goosebumps for me.
I'm known internally for this:
I always have something sweet in my drawer. 😃
Ann-Sophie Mader
Junior project manager
Thomas Maier
Junior project manager
What do I do at trendhouse?
As a junior project manager, I work in operational business and play a significant role in designing and planning our events.
I've been with trendhouse since:
October 2021
I am a specialist for:
All topics related to logistics, transfer and participant handling.
The coolest thing about my job:
Definitely the change. One day at our office in Munich, the next at an event in Lisbon or on a family trip to Turkey.
I'm known internally for this:
For my unwavering love for cardboard stools — arguably the most flexible seating since events have taken place. And of course for the fact that I can be found at every festival when I'm not supervising an event myself.
Thomas Maier
Junior project manager
Natalie Lex
Project manager
What do I do at trendhouse?
Design, plan and implement projects from start to finish in order to generate an unforgettable experience for customers and event visitors.
I've been with trendhouse since:
July 2024 (previously in the ADAC motorsport marketing and event sector)
I am a specialist for:
Peace - in every situation, no matter how bright it is.
The coolest thing about my job:
Constantly new challenges, creative projects, lots of contacts and the incredibly good team spirit.
I'm known internally for this:
I'm still making a name for myself;)
Natalie Lex
Project manager
Sophia Hermes
Junior Project Manager
What do I do at trendhouse?
Junior Project Management
I've been with trendhouse since:
At the beginning of 2024 — and always looking for the next big event ever since
I am a specialist for:
Project Management with an Eye for Detail — and to ensure that everything runs smoothly
The coolest thing about my job:
The variety — no project is the same, and that is exactly what makes it exciting.
I'm known internally for this:
As the person who still smiles and keeps everyone happy even in the biggest chaos — no matter what happens.
2 years (August 2022 half year intern, then working student)
I am a specialist for:
Shuttle assistance — unfortunately, hostesses, research and archive 😉
The coolest thing about my job:
The coolest thing about my job is definitely the variety and creativity that comes with every day. From planning and organizing events to on-site implementation — every day brings new challenges and opportunities to implement innovative ideas and create unique experiences for our customers. It is incredibly fun to be part of a great team that works together on exciting projects and always picks up on new trends and developments in the event industry. I find it best when you work on a project and then see the result on site
I'm known internally for this:
Good/ bad mood — depending on who you ask (nickname Grumpy Dani):), lots of energy, dad jokes, love of Italy
Daniela Lachnit
Project assistance
Eliana Sanchez
Office Management
What do I do at trendhouse?
I take care of general office tasks and support the team both in the office and on site.
I've been with trendhouse since:
6 years
I am a specialist for:
Negotiating with the printer — he gives in, but only after 10 minutes of drama and creating Excel spreadsheets that are so colorful that they could be exhibited in the nearest art museum.
The coolest thing about my job:
To put yourself in the customer's world for a short time and then into the next. Easy to dive from one industry to a completely different one.
I'm known internally for this:
Hobby fire extinguisher, spread the goode mood
Eliana Sanchez
Office Management
Your project is in the best hands.
Our team combines creativity with strategy, experience with innovation. We know the trends, understand our clients' industries and implement events visually, digitally and creatively at the highest level. With a passion for staging, a sense of dramaturgy and award-winning know-how, we create experiences that inspire and have a lasting effect.